Executive Education

The Warren Bennis Leadership Institute offers programming for alumni, aspiring leaders, organizations and teams, and community partners.

We seek to provide leadership training and experiences to both for-profit and nonprofit community members. WBLI provides a variety of executive education offerings, including: 

  • Workshops (60-90 minutes)
  • A Leadership Essentials Retreat (6-8 hours)
  • Cohort Programs (4-6 months)
  • The Speakers Bureau
  • Customized Executive Education

Workshops (60-90 minutes in length) 

In this interactive workshop, you will have the opportunity to identify what Warren Bennis called ‘crucible moments’ and reflect on how they shape your identity as a leader. You will also be able to identify ways you engage in leadership behaviors today — perhaps without even realizing it — and develop strategies to solidify a stronger leader identity.  

Personal vision and mission statements provide direction and drive the realization of our goals and dreams. In this workshop, you will be guided through a series of activities to craft your own personal leadership mission statement and vision board. 

In this workshop, you will: learn how imposter syndrome is defined and how common it is, and identify examples of when you might have experienced imposter syndrome. Plus, receive tips and tactics to overcome imposter syndrome and explore strategies to mitigate and prevent it. 

Leadership Essentials Retreat (6-8 hours) 

This day-long retreat offers a highly experiential program designed to offer participants the opportunity to advance leadership essentials such as: clarifying one’s leadership style, active listening, conflict management, giving feedback, coaching, and enhancing collaboration and inclusion. This retreat will benefit any and all leaders who wish to gain practice and feedback that will develop and strengthen these leadership essentials.

Cohort Programs (4-6 months) 

This open-enrollment program is geared toward IT and technical professionals and focuses on leadership for innovation. Cohorts meet both in-person and virtually once a month for five months. Content includes: 

  • A 360-degree assessment to uncover your leadership style 
  • Managing differences
  • Developing relational skills (conflict, feedback, etc.) 
  • Leveraging your network for innovation 
  • Boundary spanning leadership 

The Inclusive Leadership Program, in partnership with the the Via Institute on Character, includes seven cohort meetings over the course of 5-6 months. The program guides a learning community of both for-profit and nonprofit leaders toward creating affirming and inclusive workplaces. Program objectives include the following:

  • Introduce a three-step framework of inclusive leader behaviors (Chrobot-Mason & Roberson, 2022).  
  • Foster a change in mindset to more effectively practice inclusive leadership.
  • Identify strengths and developmental needs in practicing inclusive leadership through feedback and assessment tools.
  • Develop inclusive leadership skills through practice and feedback provided in a safe learning environment. 
  • Clarify individual and organizational goals to foster inclusion.

Following a networking activity designed to help pair mentors and mentees, participants in the kickoff retreat learn about general mentoring best practices based on academic research findings. Mentors and mentees then split into two groups to learn about best practices specific to their role. Lastly, mentor-mentee pairs are engaged in several activities to develop key mentorship skills such as active listening, goal setting, and asking powerful questions. 

Following the kickoff retreat, mentors and mentees are encouraged to meet at least monthly for six months, during which time we send monthly activities and discussion questions to facilitate these monthly meetings. We also engage both mentors and mentees in a mid-point meeting to identify and share both challenges and best practices within the cohort.

Speakers Bureau

The Warren Bennis Leadership Institute is your gateway to connecting with nationally and internationally recognized leadership scholars and consultants who are engaged in cutting edge research and application. Speakers Bureau members are proven experts and engaging presenters who exemplify the core leadership principles taught by Warren Bennis.

Speakers Bureau offerings include: 

  • Keynote and guest speakers 
  • Experiential workshops 
  • Team development initiatives

Please contact the Warren Bennis Leadership Institute to inquire about thought leaders who can serve as your next keynote speaker, facilitator or consultant.

Customized Executive Education

A man and a woman sit at a table and talk during a workshop.

The Warren Bennis Leadership Institute is available to work in partnership with organizations to design and deliver executive education in the areas of leadership development, team building, cultural change, visioning and strategic planning, and more. Please contact the Warren Bennis Leadership Institute to inquire about the creation of a customized executive education program for your organization.  

Contact Us

Warren Bennis Leadership Institute 
1819 Innovation Hub
Suite 350D
2900 Reading Road
Cincinnati, OH 45206