Lindner Business Immersion Camp


Lindner Business Immersion Camp (LBIC) is an overnight program hosted by the Lindner undergraduate admissions team that introduces students to a variety of business disciplines through engagements with our faculty, alumni, current students and corporate partners.

By the completion of this program, rising high school seniors will have:

  • Familiarized themselves with Lindner and the academic disciplines offered.
  • Improved their public communication skills.
  • Completed group work (a critical part of any business school experience).
  • Added to their leadership portfolio.

This four-day, three-night program includes the opportunity to experience UC’s residence halls, classrooms and dining halls. Students will have the freedom to move about campus with strict expectations on timeliness and engagement (a trial run for a true college experience!).

Program cost, including meals and accommodations: $350. There is no day-only program, students are required to stay overnight in UC residence halls.

NOTE: For students who are looking for more support around crafting their college application along with business experiences, we recommend reviewing our Lindner Summer Institute

2025 Lindner Business Immersion Camp will be held July 13-16, 2025.

Eligibility & Application Information

Priority is given for students entering 12th grade, but those entering 11th grade will be considered on a space available basis. The application includes a student’s GPA, their highest math completed and potential college major.

  • Application open: April 14, 2025 – May 19, 2025.
  • Students notified: May 26, 2025
  • Program confirmation and $350 fee due: June 11, 2025. A small number of partial scholarships are available for rising seniors who are eligible for free and reduced lunch plans. Please reach out to for additional information. 
Students need to carry luggage without assistance for approximately 200 yards. Don’t overpack! 
  • Identification — school ID, driver's license, state ID, etc.
  • Comfortable clothing
  • A pillow, blanket and sheets (beds are twin XL) or sleeping bag
  • Towel and washcloth
  • Flip flops (shower shoes) 
  • Comfortable walking shoes — we will be walking all over campus!
  • Pajamas
  • Umbrella or raincoat
  • Sweater or sweatshirt (in case student gets cold)
  • Cell phone and charger
  • Toiletries — soap, lotion, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair products, deodarant, contact solution, etc.
  • Optional: debit and/or credit card that can be used for bookstore purchases, Starbucks, etc. — campus is cashless.

Prohibited Items: 

  • TV’s 
  • Video consoles/Gaming Systems 
  • Extension cords 

Sample schedule

Time Activity Location
8 a.m. Breakast Center Court Dining Hall
9:15 a.m. Welcome for Marketing & Sales Day  Lindner Hall 
9:30 a.m. Introduction to Marketing Lindner Hall
10:15 a.m. Building your brand – Introduction to elevator pitches  Lindner Hall
12 p.m. Lunch  On the Green Dining Hall
1 p.m. Introduction to the Lindner Sales Center  Lindner Hall
2 p.m. Case study and record sales presentations  Lindner Sales Lab
5 p.m. Dinner Center Court Dining Hall
6 p.m. Depart for off-campus activity Off-Campus Location
10 p.m. Return to campus and residence halls Residence Halls
11 p.m. Lights Out Residence Halls