Meet the Founder: Lindner Honors-PLUS
Carl H. Lindner Jr., 1919-2011
In the early 2000s, Lindner-Honors PLUS (LHP) Founding Director Norm Baker, PhD, dreamed of creating an honors program that would assemble the best and brightest high school graduates in the Cincinnati area and help those students build networks within the business world and the community at large through their business education.
To be considered, students would have to demonstrate high degrees of intellectual curiosity and capability, the abillity to handle a rigorous academic workload, and leadership potential in a business environment. These principles for admission remain true in today’s Lindner Business Honors program.
Baker knew it would be necessary to raise funds to build and operate the program and support scholarship opportunities.
"We simply could not exist without external support," Baker said. "The dream was made possible through the generosity and commitment of the Cincinnati business community, and one man in particular: Carl H. Lindner Jr."
"My love of business and desire to inspire our young men and women to share my passion encouraged me to help," said Lindner at the time.
Norm Baker, PhD
"Selfishly," Lindner joked, "ensuring a first-class business education in Cincinnati would also benefit our local businesses."
Alumni value the Carl H. Lindner Honors-PLUS program for its broad variety of learning opportunities, from academics to international programs, professional experiences, and for providing the chance for all students to polish their skills as leaders and businesspeople.
"I believe so strongly in Honors-PLUS," said Lindner, who passed away in 2011. "All of our graduating classes have made me so proud to be a part of this program."