Educational Travel

Students pictured at a company visit during the 2022 Economics Society Annual Trip.

The Kautz-Uible Economics Institute supports several educational travel opportunities each year for economics students.

Each spring, in partnership with the Economics Society, undergraduate students travel to a center of economic activity, such as New York City, Chicago and Washington, D. C. to visit headquarters of major corporations and international organizations as well as Federal Reserves and Stock Exchanges. All members of the Economics Society are eligible to participate, and expenses are paid for by the Kautz-Uible Economics Institute.

Additionally, the institute awards professional development scholarships that allow students the opportunity to participate in conferences such as the National Association of Business Econonomists (NABE)'s annual meeting in Washington, D.C.

The institute has also offered financial assistance for students to study abroad. In the past, students have traveled to Norway, Denmark, and India.