Employer Resources

students attend career fair at the Lindner College of Business

Student Career Fair, Fall 2021 at the Lindner College of Business

Real Estate Career Fair

Each year in early fall, the UC Real Estate Center host its annual Real Estate Career Fair. This fair is exclusively offered to students enrolled in the real estate major, minor, or graduate certificate programs. The fair serves as a platform for UC real estate students to network with industry leaders and explore potential employment opportunities in the industry, including full-time employment and co-op opportunities.

Typically drawing in over 80 real estate students and representatives from 20+ companies, the event offers a dynamic environment for meaningful connections and professional development.

Participation in the Real Estate Career Fair is complimentary for companies who are exisiting partners of the Real Estate Center. Non-member companies are subject to a nominal fee.

Interested in attending the Real Estate Career Fair?

Contact Megan Roberts, rober3mn@ucmail.uc.edu

Campus-Wide Career Fair

The campus-wide career fair, takes place twice per year during both the fall and spring semesters. For more information, visit the UC Career Fair site.

Lindner Career Services

Lindner Career Services offers a variety of resources for employers to tap into a rich talent pool of business problem solvers.

  • Learn more about hiring a co-op. Want to hire a Lindner co-op but not sure where to start? Download our guide to learn more about the co-op process.
  • Post a job. The best way to connect to students seeking employment (co-op, full-time, and part-time) is via Handshake, UC's job portal. Follow this how-to guide to post your open positions.
  • Connect with Lindner students. Explore our catalog of on-campus recruiting activities to engage with our students in person or virtually.
  • Check out our events. From career fairs to boutique events, Lindner Career Services hosts a variety of options throughout the year to connect you with top student talent.

Need help posting a job or want to learn more about opportunities to connect with students?

Contact Sharon Love, Assistant Director of Career Development & Placement, sharon.love@uc.edu