Faculty & Research

Lindner faculty conduct research that impacts the lives of business professionals and consumers. Students have the opportunity to learn from and work alongside our leading researchers and engaged experts to make their mark in the real world.

UC is an R1 research institution, a designation that places us among the nation’s leading universities in research and innovation. That reputation is part of what attracts a diverse array of not just students, but talented faculty. 

UC researchers drive significant economic impact in the region, supporting nearly 5,000 jobs, according to an independent report on the influence of Ohio’s public universities. UC and its affiliates invested a record $615 million into research spending in 2022, demonstrating a serious commitment to discovery and innovation.

Students know that at Lindner — and, by extension, UC — they can partner with leading researchers. To us, this is yet another way students can harness the power of experiential learning that UC and Lindner are known for. 

The real-world expertise Lindner researchers bring to business practices are evidenced by their accomplishments during the 2022-23 academic year:

  • 125 meaningful research contributions and presentations
    • 68 faculty publications
      • 58 journal articles
      • 5 book chapters
      • books
      • 2 teaching cases
  • 40+ appearances with news networks and mass media
  • 13 honors, recognitions and awards from Lindner, UC and professional organizations
  • fellows of the UC Graduate College
  • 4 faculty members recognized internally for research excellence
  • 3 faculty members with more than 10,000 citations
  • nationally competitive award winners

On Lindner's Bearcats Mean Business podcastSuzanne Masterson, PhD, senior associate dean of faculty, research and Lindner culture, and professor of management, and Craig Froehle, PhD, professor of operations, business analytics, and information systems, explain how Lindner research impacts business professionals and consumers, and how students can learn from and work alongside the college's leading researchers.

Academic Departments

Each of Lindner's six academic departments contain engaged subject matter experts committed to producing research that advances academic- and real world-focused goals:

Lindner faculty advance knowledge in their disciplines through a variety of educational and publication vehicles. They are often quoted in the media as subject matter experts, they present research at conferences around the world, author leading textbooks and publish in premier research journals to further extend the college's reputation as a leading research institution.

Any seasoned business executive can tell you that a skilled accountant is key to the success of any venture. Because of this, accounting today is a huge field with many job opportunities. And, the demand for candidates with degrees in accounting is only projected to increase further.

It's an exciting time to study and practice economics at Lindner. Our macroeconomics and microeconomics programs have been ranked among the country's top 10 public university programs.

The department of finance, real estate, and insurance and risk management contributes to the creation and dissemination of leading-edge knowledge, analysis and practice through high-impact original research as well as rigorous and relevant instruction.

The department of management strives to expand managerial knowledge and capabilities vital for today's complex and dynamic world, by integrating high-impact research and experience-based education.

What's it like to be a part of a program that was recently ranked one of the nation's Top 20 undergraduate public programs? It's learning about new product development, advertising strategy, competitive intelligence, global brand value, focus groups and more from the best.

The OBAIS department offers world-class education in the study of efficient and productive processes, data analytics and management, and enterprise information systems.