Students & Alumni


UC Real Estate Executive Director Carl Goertemoeller (left) with real estate students and alumni.

University of Cincinnati Carl H. Lindner College of Business students can choose to major, or minor in real estate. UC also offers a graduate program and certificate program in real estate. Each program combines a core curriculum covering the functional areas of business with specialized coursework in real estate, finance, urban economics and planning.

Additionally, UC real estate students gain professional experience through opportunities including, mentoring, networking at our monthly Roundtable Series programs, participating in local, national and international programs, and leadership opportunities in the UC Real Estate Association (UCREA).



Posting full-time jobs, part-time jobs and internships for UC students is convenient through our free online job listing service, Handshake!

  • Post Full-time, Part-time Jobs and Paid Internships
  • Schedule On-Campus Interviews
  • Register to Attend Career Fairs and Event

Spring and Fall Career Fairs

The University of Cincinnati has made it easier for employers to tap into talent by combining all former UC recruitment fairs. This is a collaborative effort between UC student organizations as well as all professional development and career planning departments. It is a one-stop shopping opportunity for employers to address full-time, co-op, internship and diverse talent needs from all majors.

For more information about career fairs, please see the career fair website.