Kautz-Uible Cryptoeconomics Lab

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The Kautz-Uible Cryptoeconomics Lab brings together researchers, students, and companies to collectively study the impact of blockchain technology and digital assets on the future economy.

The lab is housed in UC's state-of-the-art Digital Futures interdisciplinary research facility, located in the heart of the Cincinnati Innovation District. The Digital Futures building provides an innovative space for its community of experts to partner with government, industry, and the community to deliver reliable and lasting solutions to real problems impacting people's lives.

Lab Activities

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Academic Research

Drawing on financial support from the University of Cincinnati and corporate sponsorships, researchers and students collaborate to publish academic research on topics including the relationship between measures of cryptocurrency adoption, the effect of cryptocurrency mining on energy markets, and the role of ethical frameworks in decentralized decision-making.

Mining rigs housed in the Kautz-Uible Cryptoeconomics Lab.

Digital Asset Management

With research analysis provided by the University of Cincinnati's Cryptocurrency Club, the lab manages investments in two funds: the Kautz-Uible Cryptocurrency Fund, held in trust by a qualified custodian, and the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Fund, a self-custodied wallet holding high-growth digital assets. Custom mining rigs and validation nodes generate cryptocurrency income for the DeFi Fund.

Lab Director Michael Jones speaking with visitors at the Kautz-Uible Cryptoeconomics Lab.


Faculty affiliated with the lab provide executive education and on-site workshops for corporate partners.

The lab also provides workspaces for students pursuing the university's Certificate in Blockchain Technology.

NFT artwork created by a UC student.

NFT Media Lab 

In partnership with the College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning's School of Art, UC students are employed to create artwork for non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Smart contracts are programmed to distribute royalty earnings to the original artist and sponsoring organization.

Headshot of Michael Jones, PhD

Michael Jones, PhD

Director, Kautz-Uible Cryptoeconomics Lab