BLUEPRINT Business Planning Institute

Molly Fender of Monti Incorporated, posing in front of art at her family's business.

A roadmap to agility, adaptability, and success

Would your business operate differently if every team member understood the big picture goal, how you plan to achieve it, and how they contribute to its success? Yes, it would. What if you had a clear, concise business plan that states your desired market position and can adapt when the market suddenly shifts? That would be a game changer, and that’s what we call BLUEPRINT.

BLUEPRINT is a concise tool that captures your big, stretch goals along with your execution plan, identifying potential challenges and determining the critical metrics needed to track progress.

Who Should Participate

BLUEPRINT was designed for the leadership teams of companies that are in rapid growth, as well as companies who have lost momentum or lack direction. It is the perfect companion to a newly formed advisory board that wants to make a big impact, quickly, and will also help the next generation of leadership step into an “ownership” role – gaining visibility and confidence. Invite up to eight cross-functional decision makers to participate, or, include members of your advisory board if you have one.

What should you expect?

BLUEPRINT is designed for execution. Participating companies will develop their “BLUEPRINT,” a one-page tool that communicates the vision and prioritizes the execution plan, metrics to measure progress, and a communication framework for both internal and external audiences.
  • Part One: Business Lifecycle, SWOT Analysis, Core Strength
  • Part Two: Value Discipline, Core Customers, Stretch Goals
  • Part Three: Finalize Goals, Determine Metrics, Complete Gap Analysis, Assign Owners to the Gaps
  • Part Four: Prioritization and Execution Teams, Executive Review Process, Communications Plan

Program Format

Venue, date, and time: BLUEPRINT sessions are scheduled at the convenience of the parties, at a location of their choosing.

Please note: Completion of our Member Alignment Profile (MAP) assessment is a prerequsite for the completion of this program (though not a prerequisite to register)

Pricing Information

Members: $5,500
Non-members: $6,700

Maximum of 8 participants; registration includes all materials

Meet our BLUEPRINT advisor

Headshot of Sonya Hall

Sonya Hall

Founder & Owner, Thrive Village

Sonya Hall is an expert in achieving sustainable and enduring organizational performance. In 2019, she founded Thrive Village, a Cincinnati-based consultancy specializing in helping businesses achieve better futures. Sonya has planned and facilitated board, executive staff, individual development and team sessions in widely diverse industries. She is an expert in strategy, execution, organizational design, culture, voice of the customer and ideation. Her no-nonsense, yet lighthearted style keeps groups focused and productive.

Learn More

Headshot of David Miller

David Miller

Membership Director
