Almuni Highlights
While the strength of our alumni network in Greater Cincinnati is palpable, the scope of our alumni knows no bounds. We checked in with Lindner grads across America to reflect on their time in Cincinnati and understand how and why they remain engaged with Lindner and UC.
Laura Mersmann, Bus ’16, ’17
Seattle, WA
Senior Project Manager, Commercialization, REI
“I stay engaged through virtual networks, acting as a sounding board for current students who find me via LinkedIn with class projects, internship opportunities and career opportunities. Connection to the UC community remains important to me for all the friendships I formed while in school, but also for the opportunity to show current students new opportunities — like working as a co-op.”
Lourdes Harshe, Bus ’92
Los Angeles, CA
Managing Director, Deloitte Tax, LLP
“Whenever I have a chance to promote the university, I happily do so. The bonds created during my college years — in the classroom, on campus, through Greek life and co-op — last a lifetime, and I am forever grateful to UC for providing the opportunities to be involved.”
Katone Roberts, Bus ’21
Los Angeles, CA
National Diversity & Inclusion Manager, USI Insurance Services
“My current involvement as an alumnus is devoted to speaking with student groups. It is my personal mission to make sure as many student leaders as possible understand how to translate their transferable skills from campus involvement into the real world. If it were not for student involvement, I would have never fully discovered my strengths in a corporate setting.”
Carrie Conrad, Bus ’16
Dallas, TX
Senior Manager, Toyota North America
“I believe UC and Lindner gave me the opportunity and network to get my dream job, and I hope that all students get the same experience I received. Never be discouraged to go after something, even if you don’t ‘check all the boxes’ under the qualifications section.”
Jerry Fritz, Bus ’73
Bella Vista, AR
Jerry Fritz (left) with his wife, Connie.
“In the fall of 2013, my wife, Connie, and I established the Fritz Family Endowed Scholarship for Kolodzik Business Scholars students. Connie and I love the students who have come through this program. We try to keep in touch and take great pride in their accomplishments at UC and post-graduation. We are believers in the end product produced by Lindner and take great pride in being involved with its growth and success.”
Savannah Bell, Bus ’12
Chicago, IL
Manager of Competency Based Education, Chicago Public Schools
“Upon moving to Chicago, I joined the UC Chicagoland Alumni Network. What started as watching games with friends from college became chairing the annual Chicagoans for Cincy Celebration to now co-leading the network. This has not only allowed me to stay connected to UC, but also reconnect with old classmates, meet new Bearcats and hear from current UC students who visit Chicago on academic trips and co-ops. I feel so fortunate to connect with Bearcats across generations and to give back to a university that gave me so much.”
Chizi Igwe, Bus ’13
Washington, D.C.
Senior Associate, DEI Initiatives, Corporate Responsibility, JP Morgan Chase & Co.
“I haven’t lived in Cincinnati since 2013, but I’ve tried to stay in touch in different ways. Social media has allowed me to stay in touch with peers and professors. I’ve also stayed engaged via my role as an alum. I hosted a group of Lindner students at my former employer during a visit to Washington, D.C. and I hope to continue to participate in these types of activities.”
Attention Lindner Alumni: We want you to take advantage of UC's alumni network!
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