BEARE Chairman
Mario San Marco
The Board of Executive Advisors in Real Estate, BEARE, has been under the direction of Mario San Marco since May 2013.
BEARE is a group of leading industry professionals that serve on the advisory board to guide the direction of the Real Estate Center and the real estate program.
San Marco has more than 40 years of experience in the real estate industry. His interest in real estate was spurred by working in his family’s construction business at an early age, when he was exposed to real estate developers, investors and bankers.
“At a young age I realized how so many things were impacted by real estate,” said San Marco. “Where we live, where we work, where we play, shop and go to school. People who were involved in real estate clearly had an impact on the environment.”
His role as President of Eagle Realty Group, a wholly owned subsidiary of Western & Southern Financial Group and more than 20 years of involvement in Real Estate Executive Advisory Council, REEAC, led to an extensive involvement with the UC Real Estate Center and BEARE.
“I have had continued involvement with the Center, in part, because as Eagle Realty Group grew as a real estate company we, and other local companies, needed to identify strong performers in real estate that we could hire,” said San Marco. “It became clear, the more we could do to strengthen the Center and the academics, the more it would improve the local industry’s well-trained real estate professionals.”
“We found the center to be important as well to provide young people with the opportunity to be associated with others involved with real estate,” said San Marco. “The Roundtable program, REEAC and BEARE are exceptional and provide opportunities for young professionals to meet seasoned professionals. We support further improvement of real estate programs with the vision of making it the best University real estate center in the U.S.”
San Marco’s passion for students, and real estate, emanates through his actions. He has dedicated his adult life to helping young people enter the real estate industry and in his position of overseeing all of Western & Southern’s real estate investments has helped to transform Cincinnati into a better city through many of its real estate developments.
“I decided 25 years ago to make Cincinnati my home. My position at Eagle Realty Group gives me the opportunity to help make Cincinnati a better place to work, live, and enjoy life, than it is today,” said San Marco. “I continue to help make changes through civic involvement, economic development, and strengthening our urban core, but have recently turned to another important quality of life, which is academics and our great University of Cincinnati. They are so important to our community and our region and a determining factor in our successful growth and development.”