Lisa Bosse Coaching and Communication

Firm overview

Lisa Bosse Coaching and Communication (company logo)

Lisa Bosse is a family-focused executive coach specializing in conflict resolution to preserve the family bond while platforming her clients’ businesses for long-term success. By teaching individuals how to identify and communicate their needs without judgment, the family can overcome the divisive behaviors that threaten the business, their workplace culture, and their company’s bottom line. Lisa is an Energy Leadership™ coach, trained in a seven-level framework that shifts mindsets and strengthens relationships.

Products and/or services

With one-to-one and family or team coaching, we will surface insights, and build action plans, that support cooperation, lead to self-mastery and ultimately, restore harmony between family members.

Engagements begin with the proprietary Energy Leadership Index™ (ELI) assessment, a research-backed tool that translates abstract beliefs into tangible, measurable metrics for change. We will quickly get a grasp of an individual’s ability to lead, their engagement in work and family relationships, and how they react when under stress so they can recognize and modify undesirable reactions. Clients use their ELI insights to create personal development plans that stress accountability for how they communicate, particularly in deeply intimate family relationships that have become hard-wired for conflict over time, or worse, fake harmony where conflict is avoided at all costs.

With this foundational work in hand, we can build a communication infrastructure leveraging family-focused governance tools like Family Councils, Charters and Employment Policies.

Past/current involvement with the Goering Center

Before launching her private practice, Lisa was Program Director for Goering Center, working with family business leaders as well as experts in law, finance, strategy, organizational design, communication and cultural excellence to develop educational programming for its members. She continues to lead the Center’s roundtables for business owners and emerging leaders. Lisa serves as a Family Guide for the Next Generation Institute, the Center’s flagship program which she modernized and reimagined for a post-COVID world in 2021.

Special offer for Goering Center Core Members

Goering Center members will receive a complimentary Energy Leadership Index™ assessment and one-hour debrief, valued at $199.

Contact Information

Primary contact: Lisa Bosse
554 North View Drive
Milford, OH 45150

Year founded: January 2023