BJ Zirger
B.J. Zirger is an Associate Professor of Strategic Management. She received both her MBA and Ph.D. degrees from Stanford University. She teaches strategic planning and implementation, competitive analysis, technology management and new product development courses at all levels (undergraduate, MBA and Ph.D.). Professor Zirger conducts research in the technology management field, and has studied topics such as success and failure in product development, organizational learning in the product development context, accelerating product development processes and benchmarking. She has published in Management Science, Research Policy, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Industrial Marketing Management, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management and American Business Review.
Teaching Interest
Business and Corporate Strategy. Technology and Innovation Management. Multidisciplinary and collaborative courses and co-curricular experiences.
Research Interest
New product development and technology management. Multidisciplinary and collaborative instructional pedagogies. Models of on-line education and best practices.
Institution: Lindner College of Business Administration, University of Cincinnati
Title: Interim Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs
Institution: Lindner College of Business Administration, University of Cincinnati
Title: Associate Professor of Strategic Management
Institution: University of Cincinnati
Title: Provost Fellow
End Date: 2020-04-30
Institution: Lindner College of Business, University of Cincinnati
Title: Associate Dean for Online Education
End Date: 2018-12-31
Institution: University of Cincinnati
Title: Interim Director of the Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning and Associate Professor of Strategic Management
End Date: 2007-08-31
Institution: University of Cincinnati
Title: Director of Learning Technologies and Program Director, Cleveland Foundation grant
End Date: 2006-08-31
Institution: College of Business Administration, University of Cincinnati
Title: Assistant Professor of Strategic Management
End Date: 1997-08-31
Institution: College of Business and Public Administration, University of Louisville
Title: Visiting Instructor of Management
End Date: 1991-12-31
Institution: College of Engineering, Stanford University
Title: Teaching Assistant
End Date: 1987-12-31
Institution: College of Engineering, Stanford University
Title: Research Associate
End Date: 1985-12-31
Institution: Booz-Allen & Hamilton, Inc.
Title: Associate
End Date: 1983-12-31
Institution: College of Engineering, Stanford University
Title: Teaching Assistant
End Date: 1982-12-31
Institution: Procter & Gamble Paper Products Division
Title: Production Team Manager & Process Engineer
End Date: 1980-08-31
Institution: University of Florida
Title: Teaching Assistant
End Date: 1978-12-31
Department Chairperson
Dates: 2009-09-01
Special Leave ‑ focus on developing financial templates for the college and co-managing the New Building logistics.
Dates: 2019-01-31 - 2019-04-30
Responsible for facilitating the creation, implementation and management of new online business courses, certificates and programs. Interim AD of Undergraduate programs for over two years this period. Also, responsible for Faculty Affairs, Digital Measures, and College space and new building oversight.
Dates: 2011-07-01 - 2018-12-31
Responsible for managing the university's Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning
Dates: 2006-09-01 - 2007-08-31
Director of Distance Learning and $1.5M Cleveland Foundation grant
Dates: 2000-01-01 - 2006-08-31
Awards | Honors
Organization: CET&L
Name: Innovative Uses of Technology in Teaching
Year Received: 2014
Organization: Academy of Management (AOM)
Name: Outstanding Service Award
Year Received: 2013
Organization: UC
Name: Faculty Senate University Service
Year Received: 2012
Organization: UC
Name: AFT&L Fellow
Year Received: 2010
Organization: TIM Division of the Academy of Management
Name: Outstanding Service Award
Year Received: 2006
Organization: President's Office
Name: UC QSI Award - CoB's Technology Team
Year Received: 2004
Organization: University of Florida
Name: Outstanding Leadership Award
Year Received: 1978
Name: Alpha Pi Mu Outstanding Senior Award
Year Received: 1977
Name: Joseph Weil Award - College of Engineering Leadership
Year Received: 1977
Name: Omicron Delta Kappa - National Leadership Honorary
Year Received: 1977
Name: Tau Beta Pi - Engineering Scholastic Honorary
Year Received: 1977
Organization: University of Florida
Name: University of Florida Hall of Fame
Year Received: 1977
Name: Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities
Year Received: 1977
Name: Alpha Pi Mu - Industrial Engineering Scholastic Honorary
Year Received: 1976
Institution: Stanford University
Major: Industrial Engineering & Engineering Mgmt (merged with Dept. of Management Science & Engineering (2000))
Dissertation: New Product Innovation: A Study of Success and Failure in the US Electronics Industry
Completed: 1991
Degree: Ph D
Institution: Stanford University, Graduate School of Business
Completed: 1982
Degree: MBA
Institution: University of Florida
Location: Gainesville, FL
Major: Industrial Engineering
Completed: 1978
Degree: BS
Published Contributions
Eugene Rutz, Jim Tappel, BJ Zirger, (2014). A MOOC with a Business Plan. ASEE, .
BJ Zirger, Eugene Rutz, William Boyd, James Tappel, Vignesh Subbian, (2014). Creating pathways to higher education: A cross-disciplinary MOOC with graduate credit. IEEE Xplore, 1–5.
BJ Zirger, Mary Beth Privitera, (2009). New Models of University-Industry Collaboration. Metropolitan Universities Journal, 130-146.
BJ Zirger, Anne Chassser, Mary Beth Privitera, Anne Welsh, Dale Murray, (2008). Leveraging Intellectual Property in Academic and Industrial Partnerships. IDSA National Education Conference.
BJ Zirger, M Privitera, (2006). Transdisciplinary Product Development Education: Letting the Grain Out of the Silo. Innovation, 49-51.
BJ Zirger, Mary Beth Privitera, (2006). Letting the Grain Out of the Silo. ISDA National Education Conference.
Ann Welsh, Lawrence Gales, BJ Zirger, (2005). Research on management of technology and innovation in a global context: An introduction. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 1-2.
BJ Zirger, (2000). Book review: The Innovation Premium. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 113-115.
BJ Zirger, (2000). Titel. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 113-115.
BJ Zirger, T Adler, (1998). Organizational Learning: Implications of a Virtual Research and Development Organization. American Business Review, 51-60.
BJ Zirger, (1997). Book Review: The Development Factory: Unlocking the Potential of Process Innovation. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 337-340.
James Comer, BJ Zirger, (1997). Building a supplier-customer relationship using joint new product development. Industrial Marketing Management, 203-211.
BJ Zirger, (1997). The influence of development experience and product innovativeness on product outcome. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 287-297.
BJ Zirger, (1996). Newsletter: Perspectives on Defining Technology. Academy of Management TIM Division Newsletter, 2-3.
BJ Zirger, J.L. Hartley, (1996). The effect of acceleration techniques on product development time. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 143-152.
BJ Zirger, (1995). Book review: Dynamics of Innovation. Academy of Management TIM Division Newsletter, 3-4.
BJ Zirger, J Hartley, (1994). A Conceptual Model of Product Development Cycle Time. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 229-251.
BJ Zirger, Modesto Maidique, (1990). A Model of New Product Development: An Empirical Test. Management Science, 867-883.
BJ Zirger, R Burgelman, M Maidique, (1988). Instructor's Manual: Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation. R.D. Irwin & Company.
M Maidique, BJ Zirger, (1985). The New Product Learning Cycle. Research Policy, 299-313.
BJ Zirger, M Maidique, (1984). A Study of Success and Failure in Product Innovation: The Case of the U.S. Electronics Industry. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 192-203.
Research in progress
Title: New Models of IP Capitalization in Higher Education
Status: Planning
Research Type: Scholarly
Title: Structuring and Managing Multi-Disciplinary Collaborations
Status: On-Going
Research Type: Scholarly
Title: From the Desktop to the Classroom: Using "ON DEMAND" Video to Support Instruction
Organization: QM
Location: San Antonio, TX
Year: 2015
Title: From the Desktop to the Classroom: Using "ON DEMAND" Video to Support Instruction
Organization: Online Learning Consortium
Location: Orlando, Florida
Year: 2015
Title: Creating Pathways to Higher Education: A Cross-disciplinary MOOC with Graduate Credit
Organization: AACSB
Location: San Antonio, TX
Year: 2014
Title: Creating Pathways to Higher Education: A Cross-disciplinary MOOC with Graduate Credit
Organization: IEEE
Location: Princeton, NJ
Year: 2014
Title: Effective Use of On-Line Survey Tools: Survey Monkey
Organization: CET&L: Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning
Location: UC: Langsam 480
Year: 2009
Title: Effective Use of On-Line Survey Tools: Survey Monkey
Organization: CET&L: Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning
Location: UC: Langsam 480
Year: 2008
Title: New Models for University-Industry Collaboration
Organization: CUMU
Location: Northern Kentucky Convention Center
Year: 2008
Title: Leveraging Intellectual Property in Academic and Industrial Partnerships
Organization: IDSA
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Year: 2008
Title: The Collaborative University – Achieving Superior Learning and Project Outcomes using Multidisciplinary Development Teams
Organization: IDSA
Location: Phoenix. AZ
Year: 2008
Title: The Art and Science of Multi-Disciplinary Collaboration
Organization: UC's Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning
Location: UC
Year: 2008
Title: Creating Effective Capstones
Organization: CET&L: Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning
Location: UC: Langsam 480
Year: 2007
Title: Effective Use of On-Line Survey Tools: Survey Monkey
Organization: CET&L: Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning
Location: UC: Langsam 480
Year: 2007
Title: Improving Teaching and Student Learning
Organization: UC
Location: TUC, UC
Year: 2007
Title: Effective Use of On-Line Survey Tools: Survey Monkey
Organization: CET&L: Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning
Location: UC: Langsam 480
Year: 2007
Title: Effective Use of On-Line Survey Tools: Survey Monkey
Organization: CET&L
Location: Lansam 480
Year: 2007
Title: Creating Effective Capstones
Organization: CET&L: Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning
Location: UC: Langsam 480
Year: 2007
Title: Teamwork is a Strategic Choice
Organization: NCIIA (National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance)
Year: 2007
Title: Creating Effective Capstones
Organization: CET&L: Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning
Location: UC: Langson 480
Year: 2007
Title: Letting the Grain Out of the Silo
Organization: IDSA
Year: 2006
Title: Using Distance Learning Techniques to Enhance Traditional Courses
Location: Columbus, OH
Year: 2005
Title: Effective Use of Video-streaming for Support of Traditional and Distance Learning Courses
Location: Columbus, OH
Year: 2003
Title: Web-Enhanced Learning of Statistical Computational Tools
Location: Columbus, OH
Year: 2003
Title: Competitive Analysis Seminar Series
Organization: Guangxi Executive group
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Year: 2002
Title: Competitive Analysis Seminar Series
Organization: Guanghou Executive group
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Year: 2001
Title: Competitive Analysis Seminar Series
Organization: Inner Mongolia Executive group
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Year: 2001
Title: Distance Learning Pedagogies
Location: San Fransciso
Year: 2001
Title: Distance Learning Pedagogies
Location: San Antonio, TX
Year: 2001
Title: Enhancing Courses through Experiential Methods
Organization: Academy of Management
Location: Dallas, TX
Year: 2000
Title: Strategic Management of Technology
Organization: Cincinnati Center for Management & Executive Development
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Year: 1998
Title: The Process of Strategy Formulation and Implementation
Organization: Cincinnati Center for Management & Executive Development
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Year: 1997
Organization: Academy of Management - TIM Division
Location: Boston, MA, United States
Year: 1997
Title: Learning and Leveraging from Product Development Experience
Organization: ORSA/TIMS
Location: New Orleans, LA
Year: 1995
Title: Managing Suppliers for Fast Product Development
Organization: Academy of Management
Location: Vancouver, B.C.
Year: 1995
Title: Organizational Learning and the Use of Virtual Technology and Product Development Organizations
Organization: Academy of Management
Location: Vancouver, B.C.
Year: 1995
Title: “Industrial New Product Development: A Case Study in the Management of the Strategic Relationship between Buyer and Seller
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Year: 1995
Title: Optimizing Research and Development in the Corporate Organization
Location: St. Louis, MO
Year: 1993
Title: Models of New Product Development
Location: Jacksonville, FL
Year: 1993
Title: Accelerating Product Development: A Conceptual Model
Organization: Academy of Management
Location: Atlanta, GA
Year: 1993
Title: Research Directions in Engineering Management
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Year: 1993
Title: Does Experience Improve the Likelihood your Product will Suceed?
Location: San Francisco, CA
Year: 1992
Title: Managing the Organization through the Year 2050
Location: Detroit, MI
Year: 1991
Location: Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Year: 1987
Organization: University of Santa Clara
Location: Santa Clara, CA
Year: 1986
Location: Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Year: 1986
Title: A Model of the New Product Development Process
Location: Atlanta, GA
Year: 1985
Title: A Study of Success in Product Innovation: The Case of the U.S. Electronics Industry
Organization: Product Development and Management Association
Location: Chicago, IL
Year: 1984