Call for Papers

We invite submissions of high-quality research paper, addressing topical research questions in the areas of environmental, social and governance (ESG). Submissions employing novel research methods or data will be particularly welcomed.

Relevant topics for the Symposium include (but are not limited to):

  • Incentives surrounding social and environmental reporting decisions
  • Economic consequences of social and environmental reporting activities
  • How investors, other capital market participants and non-capital-market stakeholders use, process, gather and produce social and environmental-related information
  • Social and environmental disclosures

There is a $50 fee for each submitted paper. Credit card payment can be made through UC's TouchNet portal.

The submission deadline is May 31, 2024.

Authors should submit only full papers (i.e., complete scholarly research projects that could reasonably be submitted to a public working paper database such as SSRN). Proposals will not be accepted. There is no specific manuscript format and no page limit, but papers should generally not exceed 50 pages. Presenters of accepted papers must register as symposium participants.

Submission procedures and rules

Papers submissions should be emailed to We will match your paper submission with the paid submission fee information from UC's TouchNet portal.

In the subject of the email, authors should indicate that the submission is for the JAAF Symposium on ESG 2024Two files should be submitted as attachments to the email:

  1. The title page that includes the title, author names, affiliations, keywords and any acknowledgements, and
  2. The main text that includes an abstract and no information on the authors.

Paper sessions

Papers accepted for the Plenary Sessions of the Symposium will have the opportunity to be reviewed under fast track for publication in JAAF with the ultimate editorial decision to be determined according to JAAF’s policies. Papers not accepted still can be resubmitted to JAAF as regular new submissions.

Professor C. S. Agnes Cheng, PhD (JAAF Conference Editor), and Nan Zhou, PhD, Professor and Department Head, the Norwood and Marjorie Geis Chair of Accounting (Guest Editor), in consultation with Professor Xiao-Jun Zhang, PhD (JAAF Editor-in-Chief), will select papers to be included in the Symposium. There will be a Best Paper Award for papers presented at the Symposium.

Paper acceptance decisions will be made by August 5, 2024.