Wilson Velez
Wilson Velez
Adjunct Instructor, Department of Operations, Business Analytics, and Information Systems
Wilson Velez brings 27 plus years of End to End Supply Design, Operations Management, and Execution and Organization Capability Development. Through his P&G career, Wilson has led and managed supply chain innovation in Latin America, Asia, Europe, Middle East and Africa and North America. Wilson created and led multiple Regional and Global leadership and supply chain developmental programs including Global 3PL Sourcing Strategies, Fundamentals of Physical Distribution, and Supply Network Operations Manager Leadership Programs. Wilson has served as an adjunct professor at both the Farmer School of Business at Miami University and the Lindner College of Business at UC.
Teaching Interest
Logistics Management, Operations Management, Quality Management, Leadership Development, Organization and Individual Performance Excellence
Institution: Miami University, Oxford
Title: Adjunct Professor
End Date: 2015-12-31
Institution: P&G
Title: Recruiting Manager and Capability Leader
End Date: 2015-11-30
Institution: P&G
Title: Transportation and Warehousing Cost Elimination Supply Chain Executive
End Date: 2015-06-30
Institution: P&G
Title: North America Planning Service Center Supply Chain Executive
End Date: 2013-10-31
Institution: P&G
Title: Global Business Development Executive
End Date: 2011-06-30
Institution: P&G
Title: North America Oral Care Supply Network Operations Leader
End Date: 2008-07-31
Institution: P&G
Title: Global Ocean and Air Transportation Sourcing and Strategy Development Leader
End Date: 2004-03-31
Institution: P&G
Title: Supply Chain Management Manager
End Date: 2000-04-30
Institution: University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
Location: Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Major: Finance
Completed: 1987
Degree: BS