Ruth Pogacar
Ruth Pogacar
PhD Candidate, Department of Marketing
437 Carl H. Lindner Hall
Ruth earned her B.A. in linguistics from the University of New Mexico and M.B.A. from the University of Montana.
Research Interest
Ruth's research interests include consumer welfare and marketing linguistics. For instance, her research on choice architecture and consumer welfare, published in the Journal of Marketing Research, shows that encouraging people to articulate their preferences before choosing can help debias defaults effects. In a separate stream, her work on the sound patterns of top brand names, published in Marketing Letters, shows that sound symbolism may be one factor contributing to brand performance in the marketplace. Ruth's dissertation investigates methods for helping people make better decisions by debiasing consumer behaviors rooted in reference dependence.
Awards | Honors
Organization: University of Cincinnati
Name: Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching Award
Year Received: 2017
Organization: University of Cincinnati
Name: Graduate School Dean’s Fellowship Recipient
Year Received: 2016
Name: Academy of Marketing Science Doctoral Symposium Fellow
Year Received: 2015
Name: Association for Consumer Research Transformative Consumer Research Grant Recipient
Year Received: 2015
Name: Best Working Paper, Association for Consumer Research Latin America Conference
Year Received: 2014
Name: PEO National Fellowship Regional Nominee
Year Received: 2014
Name: Robert Mittelstaedt Doctoral Symposium Fellow
Year Received: 2014
Published Contributions
Ruth Pogacar, Agnes Pisanski Peterlin, Nike Pokorn, Timothy Pogacar, (2017). Sound Symbolism in Translation. Translation and Interpreting Studies, 137-161.
Mary Steffel, Elanor Williams, Ruth Pogacar, (2016). Ethically Deployed Defaults: Transparency and Consumer Protection via Disclosure and Preference Articulation. Journal of Marketing Research, 865–880.
Ruth Pogacar, Plant Emily, Laura Felton Rosulek, Michal Kouril, (2015). Sounds Good: Phonetic Sound Patterns in Top Brand Names. Marketing Letters, 549-563.
Ruth Pogacar, Karen Machleit, James Kellaris, (2015). The Effect of Subjective Abundance on Prosocial Behavior. Association for Consumer Research.
Ruth Pogacar, Karen Machleit, James Kellaris, (2015). The Influence of Life Abundance and Financial Abundance on Higher Order Goals. Association for Consumer Research.
Accepted Contributions
Frank Kardes, Ruth Pogachar, Roseann Hassey, Ruomeng Wu, (Accepted). Brand Attitude Structure. Routledge.
Title: Iatgen: A free, user-friendly package for Implicit Association Tests in Qualtrics
Organization: American Psychological Association Society for Consumer Psychology division
Location: Denver
Year: 2016
Title: Measuring Impulsive Consumer Cognition: A New Package For Implicit Association Tests (IATs) in Qualtrics
Organization: American Psychological Association Society for Consumer Psychology division
Location: Denver
Year: 2016
Title: Self-improvement through diversification: The influence of implicit self-theories on consumers’ variety-Seeking.
Year: 2015
Title: The Effect of Subjective Abundance on Prosocial Behavior
Organization: Association for Consumer Research
Location: Hong Kong
Year: 2015
Title: Ethically Deployed Defaults: Transparency and Consumer Protection via Disclosure and Preference Articulation
Organization: Society for Judgment and Decision Making
Location: Chicago
Year: 2015
Title: Ethically Deployed Defaults: Transparency and Consumer Protection via Disclosure and Preference Articulation
Organization: Association for Psychological Science
Location: New York
Year: 2015
Title: Ethically Deployed Defaults: Transparency and Consumer Protection via Disclosure and Preference Articulation
Organization: Association for Consumer Research
Location: Hong Kong
Year: 2015
Title: Ethically Deployed Defaults: Transparency and Consumer Protection via Disclosure and Preference Articulation
Organization: Behavioral Science & Policy
Location: New York
Year: 2015
Title: Ethically Deployed Defaults: Transparency and Consumer Protection via Disclosure and Preference Articulation
Organization: Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision Making
Location: Budapest
Year: 2015
Title: Implicit theories and the desire for variety
Year: 2015
Title: Developing vs. maximizing expertise: The effect of information goals on knowledge preferences
Year: 2015
Title: The Influence of Life Abundance and Financial Abundance on Higher Order Goals
Organization: Association for Consumer Research
Location: New Orleans
Year: 2015
Title: The influence of implicit theories on consumers’ variety-seeking behavior
Year: 2014
Title: In pursuit of breadth versus depth of knowledge: An implicit theories perspective
Year: 2014
Title: Developing versus maximizing expertise: The impact of implicit theories on consumers’ knowledge preferences
Year: 2014
Title: The influence of implicit theories on consumers’ variety-seeking behavior
Year: 2014
Title: Brand Name Biases: Attributes Selected For (And Against) by Name Inventors
Organization: American Marketing Association
Location: San Francisco
Year: 2014
Title: Do Defaults Work When They’re Disclosed? Effectiveness And Perceived Ethicality of Disclosed Defaults
Organization: American Marketing Association
Location: San Francisco
Year: 2014
Title: Do Defaults Work When They’re Disclosed? Effectiveness and Perceived Ethicality of Disclosed Defaults
Organization: Association for Consumer Research
Location: Baltimore
Year: 2014
Title: The role of implicit theories in the pursuit of expertise
Year: 2014
Title: Is variety the spice of life? The role of implicit theories in consumers’ need for variety.
Year: 2014
Title: Invented vs. Inherited Brand Names: What’s the Difference?
Organization: Association for Consumer Research
Location: Barcelona
Year: 2013
Title: What’s in a Name?: Distributions of Plosives, Fricatives, and Vowels in Top Brand Names
Organization: American Marketing Association
Location: Chicago
Year: 2012