F. Robert Dwyer

Headshot of F. Robert Dwyer, PhD

F. Robert Dwyer, PhD

Professor Emeritus, Department of Marketing


Bob is a Professor Emeritus and Adjunct Instructor in Marketing for the Carl H. Lindner College of Business.

Teaching Interest
Direct Marketing, Marketing Management, B2B Marketing

Research Interest
Buyer seller relationships:  Marketing channel structures, Contractual norms, Bargaining behavior, Environmental influences, Direct marketing.

Institution: University of Cincinnati
Title: Academic Director of MBA Programs

Institution: University of Cincinnati
Title: Joseph S. Stern Professor of Marketing

Institution: University of Cincinnati
Title: Professor of Marketing

Institution: University of Cincinnati - Direct Marketing Policy Center
Title: Director

Institution: University of Minnesota
Title: Visiting Assistant Professor of Marketing

Institution: University of Cincinnati
Title: Department Head
End Date: 2002-12-31

Institution: University of Cincinnati
Title: Department Head
End Date: 1989-12-31

Institution: University of Cincinnati
Title: Associate Professor of Marketing
End Date: 1988-08-31

Institution: Northwestern University
Title: Visiting Associate Professor of Marketing
End Date: 1983-06-30

Institution: University of Cincinnati
Title: Department Head
End Date: 1981-12-31

Institution: University of Cincinnati
Title: Assistant Professor of Marketing
End Date: 1981-02-28

Institution: University of Arizona
Title: Assistant Professor of Marketing
End Date: 1978-06-30

Institution: University of Minnesota
Title: Teaching Associate
End Date: 1977-07-31

Direct Marketing Policy Center - Develop and disseminate knowledge in Direct Mareting:  Award grants, teach, cultivate student interest and award scholarships.
Dates: 1985-01-01 - 2011-12-31

MBA Academic Director
Dates: 2006-09-01 - 2011-08-31

Awards | Honors
Name: Corporate Associates Fellowship, 1974 75 and 1973 74

Name: Designated first CBA Faculty Fellow (Professor 1988 ), 1987 90.

Name: Evans Scholarship to Michigan State with full tenure, 1970-73

Name: Institute for the Study of Business Markets (ISBM) "Soft and Hard Features of Interfirm Relationships, 1989 90.

Name: Walter Heller Fellowship, 1973 74

Organization: Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
Name: Award for Excellence:  Outstanding Reviewer 2011
Year Received: 2012

Organization: American Marketing Association's Inter-Organization Special Interest Group
Name: Life Time Achievement Award
Year Received: 2011

Organization: UC Department of Athletics
Name: Legion of Excellence Student-Athlete Faculty Impact Award
Year Received: 2011

Name: EXCEL Award for Excellece in Classroom Education and Learning
Year Received: 2006

Organization: American Marketing Association
Name: 2nd Place, Top Ten Sales Articles of the 20th Century
Year Received: 2004

Organization: Journal of Direct Marketing
Name: Lead article in the "Top Ten" articles of the decade
Year Received: 1997

Organization: Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing
Name: Outstanding Article of the Year
Year Received: 1995

Organization: Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing
Name: Outstanding Article of the Year
Year Received: 1995

Organization: Direct Marketing Educational Foundation
Name: Direct Marketing Educator of the Year
Year Received: 1991

Organization: Direct Marketing Educational Foundation
Name: Robert B. Clarke Outstanding Direct Marketing Educator
Year Received: 1991

Organization: Direct Marketing Educators' Conference
Name: Best Paper
Year Received: 1989

Name: Grant (with Paul Schurr), "Developing Business Relationships Across International Borders"
Year Received: 1989

Organization: Journal of Marketing
Name: 2nd Place, “Top Ten Sales Articles of the 20th Century,” Sales Special Interest Group, American Marketing Association, for “Developing Buyer-Seller Relationships”
Year Received: 1987

Organization: AMA Educators' Conference
Name: Best Paper
Year Received: 1987

Organization: Graduate Business Students Assoc.
Name: Outstanding CBA Faculty Award
Year Received: 1987

Organization: GBSA
Name: Outstanding Faculty Award Marketing
Year Received: 1987

Name: Ramlose Foundation Grant to study power and bureaucratization effects on trust in marketing channels
Year Received: 1986

Name: UC College of Business Faculty Development Grant
Year Received: 1986

Name: UC College of Business Faculty Development Grant
Year Received: 1985

Organization: GBSA
Name: Outstanding Faculty Award Marketing
Year Received: 1984

Name: GE Foundation Grant to Study Blood Donor Recruitment Strategies
Year Received: 1983

Name: Who's Who Among Outstanding Young Men in America
Year Received: 1983

Name: Beta Gamma Sigma
Year Received: 1981

Name: Ramlose Foundation Grant to study the relationship between environments and channel structure
Year Received: 1980

Name: U.C. Summer Faculty Research Fellowship
Year Received: 1980

Name: U.C. College of Business Faculty Development Grant
Year Received: 1979

Name: AMA Doctoral Consortium Fellow
Year Received: 1976

Name: AMA Doctoral Consortium Fellow
Year Received: 1975

Name: Roland S. Vaile Graduate Fellowship
Year Received: 1975

Name: Elected to Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges
Year Received: 1974

Institution: University of Minnesota
Major: Philosophy in Business Administration
Completed: 1978
Degree: Ph D

Institution: University of Minnesota
Major: Master of Business Administration
Completed: 1975
Degree: MBA

Institution: Michigan State University
Major: Business Administration
Completed: 1973
Degree: BA

Published Contributions
Eugene Sivadas, Holmes Terence, Bob Dwyer,  (). Interorganizational Information Systems and Business-to-Business Relationships:  System Characteristics, Assistance, Performance, Satisfaction and Commitment Model. Journal of Marketing Channels/Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 17-48.

Bob Dwyer,  (2009). “No Apology for B2B Lab Research,” . ISBM Research Quarterly/Institute for the Study of Business Markets/Penn State U, 2-3.

Bob Dwyer, John Tanner,  (2008). Business Marketing:  Connecting Strategy, Relationships and Learning. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 678.

Bob Dwyer, Rajdeep Grewal, Murali Chandrashekaran,  (2008). Navigating Local Environments with Global Strategies:  A Contingency Model of Multinational Subsidiary Performance. Marketing Science, 886-902.

Bob Dwyer, Eugene Sivadas,  (2000). “An Examination of Organizational Factors Influencing New Product Success in Internal and Alliance Based Processes,” . Journal of Marketing/American Marketing Association, 31-49.

James Evans, N.T. Bruvold, Jeff Camm, Bob Dwyer,  (1987). Selecting a Mix of Magazines for Delivering Targeted Sales Promotion. Journal of Direct Marketing, 51-62.

James Evans, Bob Dwyer,  (1981). Branch and Bound Algorithm for the List Selection Problem in Direct Mail Advertising. Management Science, 628-667.

Accepted Contributions
Susan Schertzer, Clint Schertzer, Bob Dwyer,  (Accepted). Value in Professional Service Relationships (forthcoming). Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing/Emerald Publishing Group.

Bob Dwyer,  (Accepted). “Lanterns on the Path:  Shelby D. and G.K.C.,” . Legneds in Marketing/ Relationship Marketing/ Sage Publications.

Research in progress
Title: Interorganizational Information Systems
Description: The study explores how supply chain networks implement systems for information exchange. The study is in the analysis phase of its second wave of data collection.
Status: Writing Results
Research Type: Scholarly

Title: “Cross-Buying Value Creation:  Strategies for Leveraging Profits”
Status: On-Going
Research Type: Scholarly

Organization: Institute for the Study of Business Markets @ Penn State
Location: On-line seminar, International
Year: 2008

Title: Dynamic Relationship Between Corporate Brand Image and Loyalty in B2B Services
Organization: American Marketing Association
Location: Austin, TX
Year: 2008