Zhuo Lin

Headshot of Zhou Lin

Zhou Lin

PhD Student, Department of Management

3330.05 Carl H. Lindner Hall


Zhuo Lin is a doctoral student in the Management Department. He received his bachelor of science in psychology from Tsinghua University in Beijing, China and his master's degree in human resources and industrial relations from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Research Interest
Zhuo is interested in studying how personal consent to work is manufactured by people and their employers. He seeks to understand how narratives are crafted to make sense of, and give meaning to, people's daily work and their career. His research activities generally fall under the topics of work-life relations and identity.

Institution: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Location: Champaign, Illinois
Completed: 2016
Degree: Other

Institution: Tsinghua University
Location: Beijing, China
Major: Psychology
Completed: 2015
Degree: BS