Ratee Apana

Headshot of Ratee Apana

Ratee Apana

Associate Professor-Educator & UC Forward Fellow, Department of Management


Dr. Apana has an undergraduate degree in biology and physics, post graduate degree in international marketing from the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore and a PhD in strategy from the University of Cincinnati. Her consulting expertise over the last 20 years includes facilitation of strategic thinking in top management groups, strategies for collaborative and cross cultural partnering, cross cultural training and negotiations, ethical assessments, change management and the creation of new capabilities and innovation in organizations through training and education. She has developed a tool for assessing global competence (GCA) that has been used in industry very successfully. She has had extensive interaction with top management groups in companies such as Alcatel, Hyundai, Kia, Goldstar, NEC, IBM, Unisys, Infosys, Mitsubishi, Convergys, GE Capital and P&G. She has worked with and has been trained by Dr. C.K. Prahalad on developing strategies for business-to-business relationships which was the subject of her dissertation. (Dr. Prahalad, author of best seller Competing for the Future was identified by Business Week as the most influential management thinker).

Teaching Interest
Ratee Apana, PhD joined the international faculty of the College of Business department of management at the University of Cincinnati in 2002 bringing to the students and school her varied field experience in International business. Her pedagogical expertise is in Global strategic thinking and Global entrepreneurship. Dr. Apana's pedagogical efforts have earned her recognition from Turner Scholars and nominations by her students for the EXCEL, Chen and Barbour teaching awards at the University of Cincinnati. Dr Apana, teaches international business a the undergraduate level and International Business Ethics at the graduate level. Dr Apana is a UC Forward Fellow. A distinction awarded to professors whose classes were selected university wide as courses that deal with global issues and prepare students for the 21st century. She has conducted two of the 14 UC Forward interdisciplinary classes selected in 2013. "Take the challenge for sustainable development, a social entrepreneurship class where our students work with students from IIT India to create a sustainable business for social change. The second course called "Transforming Lives " is a study abroad class that has students observing NGO's that help trafficked victims in India. The goal of the class is to learn globally and apply these learning locally in Cincinnati. Ohio too has a severe problem with human trafficking which is a global multi- billion dollar industry that needs to be addressed.

Research Interest
Dr. Apana's research interests include governance mechanisms that enhance and influence innovation, cross cultural and cross functional networks and strategic alliances. She has received two competitive grants from the Center for Innovation Management Studies (CIMS), an agency of the National Science Foundation for her research efforts in Asia. The grant is offered once a year to winners of a nationwide competition of research proposals in the field of innovation. She has published articles in IEE Transactions on Engineering Management and the Family Business Review and presented papers at the Academy of Management and the Academy of International Business. She has authored instructor manuals for the leading international business text Global Business by Charles Hill as well for other texts by Prentice Hall.

She has traveled extensively in the US, Middle East,Asia and South East Asia, South America, Europe and Australia. She speaks six languages and has studied French, German and is studying Chinese. She is actively involved with her community at home and with overseas projects,such as AIDS orphans and village communities in Kenya, street children in Mumbai, India, Gender equality issues including working with NGO's that assist trafficked victims and coffee farmers in Asia.

Institution: India Sister City, Cincinnati USA Sister City Association.
Title: Founding President

Institution: University of Cincinnati
Title: Assistant Professor

Institution: Artesiaa Consulting
Title: Partner

Institution: CincinnatiUSA Sister City Association
Title: President
End Date: 2017-01-01

Awards | Honors
Organization: College of Business
Name: Deans List
Year Received: 2017

Organization: University of Cincinnati
Name: Nomination for Barbour award
Year Received: 2008

Organization: University of Cincinnati
Name:  Nomination for Cohen Award 2009
Year Received: 2008

Organization: University of Cincinnati Women's Center
Name: 2008 UCWC Woman of the Year Nominee
Year Received: 2008

Organization: University of Cincinnati
Name: Nomination to Harold Grilliot Award
Year Received: 2007

Organization: College of Business
Name: Nomination Micheal dean Excel award
Year Received: 2007

Organization: Univ of Cincinnati
Name: Turner scholars medal of recognition
Year Received: 2007

Organization: Darwin T Scholarship program
Name: Turners scholars medal
Year Received: 2007

Organization: College of Business
Name: 3 Nominations to Michael L. Dean Excellence Award
Year Received: 2005

Organization: University of Cincinnati
Name:  Nomination to Cohen Award
Year Received: 2004

Institution: Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore
Degree: MBA

Institution: University of Cincinnati
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio
Major: International Strategy
Completed: 2000
Degree: Ph D

Published Contributions
Ratee Apana,  Leader's guide in Health Care.

Rajan Kamath, Ratee Apana. Strategy in the US Healthcare Industry:  A Leader's Guide.

Ratee Apana,  (2009). Global Business Today.

Ratee Apana,  (2007). Small Business Management. Thomson.

Ratee Apana,  (2007). Strategic Management by Hitt Ireland and Hoskisson. Thomson.

Ratee Apana,  (2006). Global Business Today. McGraw Hill.

Ratee Apana,  (2005). International Business Instructor Manual. McGraw Hill, 200.

Sid Barton, Charles Matthews, D Vasudevan, Ratee Apana,  (1994). Capital Structure Decision Making in Privately Held Firms:  Beyond the Finance Paradigm. Family Business Review, 349-368.

Rajan Kamath, Ratee Apana, D. Mansour-Cole,  (1993). Functional Perspectives on Innovation:  The Correlates of Innovation in the Marketing and Manufacturing Functions. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 293-299.

Research in progress
Title: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Ethical Decision Making
Description: In the last decade questionable ethical decisions by managers – the collapse of Enron in USA, the use of melamine in Chinese milk products, and the theft of medical records in India - have captured world wide headlines and our imaginations. How have these incidents influenced ethical perspectives in these countries? This study documents existing ethical perspectives of business students in three nations China, India and the US and attempts to compare and contrast the ethical orientations.
Status: On-Going
Research Type: Scholarly

Title: Cultural Differences and the International Manager
Description: Text Book
Status: On-Going
Research Type: Scholarly

Title: Negotiation of Identities in Multilingual Contexts at Call Centers

Title: Improving Student Lives through International Teaching Collaborations”
Location: Chicago
Year: 2018

Title: Cultural Diversity - Source of Competitive Advantage in City-Regions
Year: 2017

Title: Multi Cluster Advantage:  the Locus of innovation in City Regions.
Location: Posnan, Poland
Year: 2017

Title: Innovation in the Public Sector:  Best-kept secrets of emerging economies
Organization: International Academy Of Business And Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD)
Location: Orlando, Florida
Year: 2011

Location: Boston
Year: 2009

Title: The Antecedents and Consequences of Plant-Closing Announcements
Organization: UC
Location: Cincinnati
Year: 2009

Title: Antecedents and Consequences of Plant Closing Announcements
Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Year: 2008

Title: Strategies for Adopting Best Practice Supplier Management:  Case Studies of Adaptations in Thailand and South Korea
Organization: Academy of Management
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio
Year: 1996

Title: Adapting Japanese Best Practice Supplier Management Models in Emerging South East Asian Economies
Organization: Assocation of Japenese Business Studies
Location: Nagoya, Japan
Year: 1994