Lawrence Gales

Headshot of Lawrence Gales

Lawrence Gales

Emeritus Associate Professor of Management and International Business, Department of Management

3314 Carl H. Lindner Hall


Received BA (1972) in Psychology and MA (1974) in Educational Psychology from the University of Michigan and Ph.D. in Business (Organization Theory and Behavior) from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (1987).

Teaching Interest
Interntional Business
Management - Organizational Theory and Behavior

Research Interest
Cross-cultural/multi-cultural management, particularly as it applies to issues of justices, fairness and trust.
Governance and corporate control with respect to innovation, R&D, expansion and compensation.
International technology development and diffusion.

Institution: College of Business, University of Cincinnati
Title: Academic Director for International Programs

Institution: College of Business, University of Cincinnati
Title: Associate Professor of Organization Theory, Management Department

Institution: College of Business, University of Cincinnati
Title: Academic Director for Masters’ Programs
End Date: 2001-12-31

Institution: College of Business, University of Cincinnati
Title: Assistant Professor of Organization Theory, Management Department
End Date: 1994-12-31

Institution: Kogod College of Business Administration, The American University, Washington, DC
Title: Visiting Assistant Professor of Management
End Date: 1988-12-31

Institution: Thrifty Hardware Co.
Title: Owner/manager
End Date: 1983-12-31

Visiting Faculty Programs:  Develop, implement, and manage visiting faculty/scholar programs, including long-term visiting scholars and short-term “blast classes;” facilitate UC faculty teaching abroad. International Student Recruiting:  Set strategy and coordinate with academic program directors for recruitment of international undergraduate and masters students; visit partner institutions to actively recruit students.

Head of Globalization:  Academic Director of International Programs and Chairman International Programs Committee (IPC), College of Business, with responsibility for leadership, direction, management, oversight and development of all international academic activities including study abroad programs for UC students, visiting international students, visiting faculty for the College of Business, and the international business curriculum. • Set strategy and provide leadership for College of Business’s globalization plan • Prioritize international business courses, study abroad programs for undergraduate and MBA students, and partnership programs • Manage relationships with international partner institutions • Coordinate with academic departments and degree programs • Budget management (approx. $400,000 annually) for globalization effort • Recruit and train College of Business faculty leaders for study abroad programs • Recruit international students from partner institutions • Coordinate with University of Cincinnati Institute for Global Studies and Affairs and other colleges to meet university globalization objectives, share resources, and obtain financial support through proposal writing • Coordinate with International Student Services Office to meet student and visiting faculty visa requirements

Undergraduate Study Abroad Programs:  Academic responsibility for study abroad programs at Audencia (formerly ESC-Nantes Atlantique), Nantes, France; Johannes Kepler University-Linz, Linz, Austria; Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand; ITESM-Querétaro, Querétaro, Mexico, Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile; and University of Quebec at Montreal, Montreal, Canada.
Dates: 1999-09-01

MBA Partnership Programs:  Designer/Co-designer of Partnership MBA programs with Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile; Southwest University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu, China; Guangxi University, Nanning, China; and University of Passau, Passau, Germany.
Dates: 1999-09-01

Chief globalization officer for CoB; Develop strategic globalization plan; provide academic oversight for International Business curriculum and Study Abroad Programs; manage relationships with partner institutions; leadership of International Programs Office
Dates: 1999-09-01

Academic Director for Masters Programs (September, 1999 – August, 2001):  Provide academic leadership and management for MBA and other masters programs in business. • Coordinate with academic departments and associate dean for delivery of part- and full- time degree programs • Develop “blast class” (concentrated weekend) format courses for delivery of specialized elective courses • Coordinate with Masters Programs Office for and actively participate in student recruitment • Develop, implement, and manage revenue generating off-site part-time MBA program for Wright-Patterson Air Force base personnel • Develop and implement streamlined curriculum for all MBA programs
Dates: 1999-09-01 - 2001-08-31

Awards | Honors
Organization: UC Lindner College of Business
Name: Michael L. Dean Excellence in Classroom Education and Learning (EXCEL) Graduate Award
Year Received: 2014

Organization: University of Cincinnati
Name: Mrs. A.B. Dolly Cohen Award for Excellence in Teaching
Year Received: 2014

Organization: Lindner College of Business
Name: Lindner Teaching Fellow
Year Received: 2013

Organization: University of Cincinnati
Name: Academy of Fellows for Teaching and Learning
Year Received: 2013

Organization: Lindner College of Business/Dornoff Family
Name: Ronald J. Dornoff Fellowship of Teaching Excellence (2010-2012)
Year Received: 2010

Organization: Michael L. Dean
Name: Michael L. Dean Excellence in Classroom Education and Learning (EXCEL) Graduate Award
Year Received: 2007

Name: Harold Grilliot Award
Year Received: 2002

Organization: Beta Gamma Sigma
Name: Membership in Beta Gamma Sigma
Year Received: 1995

Organization: Academy of Management
Name: First Honorable Mention (with Dina Mansour-Cole)
Year Received: 1990

Institution: School of Business Administration - The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Location: Chapel Hill
Major: Organizational Theory and Behavior
Dissertation: An Analysis of the Inter-organizational Network Structures of Wholesaler-Retailer Relationships
Completed: 1987
Degree: Ph D

Institution: The University of Michigan
Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Major: Educational Psychology
Completed: 1974
Degree: MA

Institution: The University of Michigan
Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Major: Social Psychology
Completed: 1972
Degree: BA

Published Contributions
Jie Li, Stacie Furst-Holloway, Lawrence Gales, Suzanne Masterson, Brian Blume,  (2017). Transformational leadership and employees' taking charge:  The impact of followers' identification with leader and modernity. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 318-334.

Jen-Wei Cheng, Jyh-Huei Kuo, Hsiu-Hsin Lin, Kuo-Ming Lu, Lawrence Gales,  (2014). Exploring the antecedents and outcomes of feedback-seeking behavior. International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development / InderScience, 89-108.

Evelyne Glaser, Lawrence Gales,  (2013). Experiencing the Effects of Distance and Culture in Multicultural Semi-Virtual Teams. Interkulturalität und Bildung [Interculturality and Education, A C.SAS Publication Series published by LIT (Uni Graz), .

Jie Li, Lawrence Gales, Minli Yi, Hu Hu,  (2011). Perceived market/government influences, politics and justice in Chinese organizations. Frontiers of Business Research in China, 490-511.

M. Welsh, Lawrence Gales, B. Zirger,  (2008). Introduction to Special Issue:  Research on Management of Technology and Innovation in a Global Context. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 1-2.

Lawrence Gales,  (2008). The Role of Culture in Technology Management Research:  National Character and Cultural Distance Frameworks. Journal of Engineering Technology Management/Elsevier, 3-22.

Ann Welsh, Lawrence Gales, BJ Zirger,  (2005). Research on management of technology and innovation in a global context:  An introduction. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 1-2.

Lawrence Gales,  (2003). Linguistic Sensitivity in Cross Cultural Organizational Research:  Positivist/Post-positivist and Grounded Theory Approaches. Language and Intercultural Communication, 131-140.

Lawrence Gales, B. Hodge, W. Anthony,  (2003). Organization Theory:  A Strategic Approach, 6th Edition. Prentice Hall.

Lawrence Gales, C. Barzantny,  (2000). The Cultural Boundedness of Organizational Behavior Constructs: . Congress 2000 Proceedings of Association francophone de Gestion des Resources Humaine (French Human Resources Association.

Lawrence Gales, B. Hodge, W. Anthony,  (1996). Teoría de la Organizatión:  Un Enfoque Estratégico, 5th Edition. Prentice Hall Iberia.

Lawrence Gales, D. Mansour-Cole,  (1995). Congress 2000 Proceedings of Association francophone de Gestion des Resources Humaine (French Human Resources Association. Journal of Engineering Technology Management, 77-109.

Lawrence Gales, P. Tierney, A. Boynton,  (1995). The nature of information ties and the development of technology:  An integration of information processing and the strength of weak ties. Strategic Alliances in High Technology.

Lawrence Gales, I. Kesner,  (1994). An analysis of the impact of board of directors size and composition in bankrupt organizations. Journal of Business Research, 271-282.

A. Boynton, Lawrence Gales, R. Blackburn,  (1993). Managerial search activity:  The impact of perceived uncertainty and role threat. Journal of Management, 725-747.

Lawrence Gales, A. Boynton,  (1992). Information ties and innovation management:  A qualitative assessment of information processing and the strength of weak ties. Journal of High Technology Management Research, 169-188.

Lawrence Gales, P. Porter, D. Mansour-Cole,  (1992). Innovation project technology, information processing and performance:  A test of the Daft & Lengel conceptualization. Journal of Engineering Technology Management, 303-338.

Lawrence Gales, D. Mansour-Cole,  (1991). User involvement in innovation projects:  A reassessment using information processing. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.

Lawrence Gales, R. Blackburn,  (1990). An analysis of the impact of supplier relationships on small retailer actions, perceptions and performance. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice.

Lawrence Gales, B. Victor,  (1985). The effects of task uncertainty on decision making strategy:  A laboratory study. Academy of Management Proceedings.

Accepted Contributions
Jie Li, Lawrence Gales, Cordula Barzantny,  (Accepted). "A Three-Country Investigation on Some Organizational Justice Values and Perceptions,". Academy of Management Proceedings .

Li Jie, Stacie Furst-Holloway, Lawrence Gales, Suzanne Masterson, Brian  Blume,  (Accepted). “Leader-member exchange and leader identification: Comparison and integration". Journal of Managerial Psychology/Emerald Publishing Limited.

Research in progress
Title: “Intercultural global virtual team performance and student expectations.”
Description: This study explores the relationship among student expectations, actions and performance in multicultural international global teams. Teams composed of US and European students complete projects using video conference, internet and voice of internet technology. Performance is predicted to be related to the accuracy of students’ perceptions of the ease or difficulty of working in multicultural dispersed virtual teams.
Status: Writing Results
Research Type: Scholarly

Title: A Cross-Cultural Test of Colquitt’s Four-Factor Justice Model:  Comparing the United States, Taiwan and the People’s Republic of China
Description: The current study examines Collquitt’s (2001) four-factor model of organizational justice to determine its fit in a cross-cultural setting. We compare justice perceptions and the importance of justice in the United States, Taiwan and the People’s Republic of China. Our results are not consistent with those of the Colquitt study. Not only are there differences in the factor structure for the justice variables in each of the three locations, but the strength of the justice concerns are inconsistent. Moreover, the justice factor structure in the US is not the same as that found by Collquitt. We suggest that context may be an important element in the study of the justice constructs.
Status: Writing Results
Research Type: Scholarly

Title: Experiencing the Effects of Distance and Culture in Multicultural Semi-Virtual Teams
Description: This study investigates several factors that may affect multicultural semi-virtual team performance:  Communication processes, technology, individual team member characteristics, and team characteristics. We study semi-virtual student teams linked between the US (University of Cincinnati) and Austria (Johannes Kepler University-Linz)

Title: Leadership and followers’ taking charge:  The moderating role of identification with leader
Description: This research examines how the relationship between multiple leadership approaches and employees' taking charge behaviors can be affected by employees identification with leader.
Status: On-Going
Research Type: Scholarly

Title: Leadership, supervisor-focused justice, and follower values:  A comparison of three leadership approaches in China
Description: This research examines how supervisor-focused procedural, distributive, interpersonal and informational justice mediate the impact of transformational, transactional, and paternalistic leadership on followers’ in-role and extra-role performance. The moderating effect of the followers’ cultural values of traditionality and modernity on the relationships between leadership and justice is also considered.
Status: Writing Results
Research Type: Scholarly

Title: Perceived External Influences, Politics and Justice in Chinese Organizations
Description: This study examines the extent to which government and market forces affect employees' perceptions of organizational justice. We use structural equation modeling to determine the independent effects of market forces and government intervention on employee perceptions in Chinese firms. This is important to document as China moves more into a market economy. We look at state-owned enterprises, private enterprises and publicly trade firms.

Title: The Cultural Boundedness of Organizational Behavior Constructs: 
Location: Paris, France

Title: A Three-Country Investigation on Some Organizational Justice Values and Perceptions
Organization: Academy of Management
Location: Chicago, IL
Year: 2018

Title: How do leader-member exchange and leader identification differentially mediate leadership effects?
Organization: Academy of Management
Location: Atlanta, GA
Year: 2017

Title: Identification with Leader as a Mediator between Leadership and Taking Charge
Organization: Academy of Management
Location: Philidelphia, PA
Year: 2014

Title: external influences, politics and justice in Chinese organizations
Location: Montreal
Year: 2010

Title: Issues of Communication, Power and Trust in Multicultural Virtual Teams
Organization: Society for Intercultural Education, Training & Research
Location: Granada, Spain
Year: 2008

Title: A cross-cultural test of Colquitt’s four-factor justice model:  Comparing the United States, Taiwan and the People’s Republic of China
Organization: Academy of Management
Location: Atlanta
Year: 2006

Title: A Cross-Cultural Test of Colquitt’s Four-Factor Justice Model:  Comparing the United States, Taiwan and the People’s Republic of China
Location: Atlanta, GA
Year: 2006

Title: Linguistic Sensitivity in Cross Cultural Organizational Research: 
Location: Linz, Austria
Year: 2002

Title: Protection at a price:  The impact of debtor-in-possession status on boards of directors.
Location: Ann Arbor, MI
Year: 1996

Title: Alternative ownership forms:  The problem of governance in cooperative and mutual organizations
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Year: 1995

Title: Work groups and transition events:  Understanding the effects of commitment, cohesion and climate on employee justice perceptions
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Year: 1995

Title: Governance structure and strategic grouping:  An empirical test in the life insurance industry
Location: Atlanta, GA
Year: 1993

Title: User involvement in innovation projects:  A reassessment using information processing
Location: Miami Beach, FL
Year: 1991

Title: The nature of information ties and development of science and technology:  An analysis of strong and weak tie networks
Location: Boulder, CO
Year: 1990

Title: The effects of inter-organizational relationships on organizational uncertainty, autonomy and control:  An analysis of retailer-wholesaler networks
Location: New Orleans, LA
Year: 1987

Title: The effects of task uncertainty on decision making strategy:  A laboratory study
Location: San Diego, CA
Year: 1985