Ann Welsh
Teaching Interest
Organization Theory
New Product Development
Organizational Change
Research Interest
New Product Development
Organizational Change
Management Education
Institution: University of Cincinnati
Title: Professor of Management
Institution: University of Cincinnati
Title: Chair, University Faculty
End Date: 2008-12-31
Institution: University of Cincinnati
Title: Research Fellow, College of Business
End Date: 2004-12-31
Institution: University of Cincinnati
Title: Associate Professor of Management
End Date: 2003-12-31
Institution: College of Business, University of Cincinnati
Title: Academic Director for Undergraduate Programs
End Date: 1998-12-31
Institution: College of Business Curriculum Revision Task Force
Title: Chair
End Date: 1993-12-31
Institution: University of Cincinnati
Title: Assistant Professor of Management
End Date: 1988-12-31
Awards | Honors
Organization: University of Cincinnati
Name: Fellow, Academy of Fellows of Teaching and Learning
Year Received: 2008
Organization: University of Cincinnati
Name: Mrs. A.B. (Dolly) Cohen Award for Excellence in Teaching
Year Received: 2006
Name: CBA Faculty Research Fellowship
Year Received: 2005
Organization: Graduate Student Business Association
Name: Outstanding Professor, College of Business Administration
Year Received: 1997
Organization: College of Business Administration
Name: Harold Grilliot Award for Outstanding Service to Students
Year Received: 1996
Organization: Graduate Student Business Association
Name: Outstanding Professor, Department of Management
Year Received: 1995
Organization: University of Cincinnati
Name: Faculty Achievement Award of Excellence
Year Received: 1994
Organization: Graduate Student Business Association
Name: Outstanding Professor, College of Business Administration
Year Received: 1988
Organization: Graduate Student Business Association
Name: Outstanding Professor, Department of Management
Year Received: 1988
Organization: Graduate Student Business Association
Name: Outstanding Professor, Department of Management
Year Received: 1987
Organization: Graduate Student Business Association
Name: Outstanding Professor, Department of Management
Year Received: 1986
Organization: Graduate Student Business Association
Name: Outstanding Professor, College of Business Administration
Year Received: 1985
Organization: Graduate Student Business Association
Name: Outstanding Professor, Department of Management
Year Received: 1985
Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia
Location: Columbia, Missouri
Completed: 1982
Degree: Ph D
Institution: New Mexico State University
Completed: 1976
Degree: MBA
Institution: Mary Washington College
Completed: 1973
Degree: BA
Published Contributions
Ann Welsh, G Dehler, D Murray, (2008). Learning About and Through Experience: Understanding the Power of Experience-Based Education. Experiential Learning and Management Education, 53-69.
Ann Welsh, Dehler, (2007). Whither the MBA? Or the Withering MBAs?. Management Learning, 405-423.
Ann Welsh, Lawrence Gales, BJ Zirger, (2005). Research on management of technology and innovation in a global context: An introduction. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 1-2.
S Green, Ann Welsh, G Dehler, (2003). Advocacy, performance, and threshold influences on the decision to terminate new product development. Academy of Management Journal, 419-434.
Ann Welsh, D Murray, (2003). The Ecocollaborative: Using Critical Pedagogy to Teach Sustainability. Journal of Management Education, 220-235.
Marianne Lewis, Ann Welsh, G Dehler, S Green, (2002). Product development tensions: Exploring contrasting styles of project management. Academy of Management Journal, 546-564.
G Dehler, Ann Welsh, (1997). Discovering the keys: Spirit in teaching and the journey of learning. Journal of Management Education, 496-508.
S Green, Ann Welsh, G Dehler, (1996). Transferring technology into R&D: A comparison of acquired and in-house product development projects. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 125-144.
G Dehler, Ann Welsh, (1994). Spirituality and organizational transformation: Implications for the new management paradigm. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 221-235.
G Dehler, Ann Welsh, (1993). Dialectical inquiry as an instructional heuristic in Organization Theory and Design. Journal of Management Education, 79-89.
S Green, Ann Welsh, G Dehler, (1992). A longitudinal investigation of the selection, management and performance of technological innovation projects: A six year multivariate study.
S Green, Ann Welsh, G Dehler, (1990). A longitudinal investigation of the selection, management and performance of technological innovation projects: The first stage.
Ann Welsh, (1990). Implementing routine and radical innovations. Journal of Management.
Ann Welsh, G Dehler, (1988). The political legacy of administrative succession. Academy of Management Journal, 948-961.
Research in progress
Title: Structuring and Managing Multi-Disciplinary Collaborations
Status: On-Going
Research Type: Scholarly
Title: Leveraging Intellectual Property in Academic and Industrial Partnerships
Organization: IDSA
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Year: 2008
Title: Sensible learning by and for design
Location: Copenhagen
Year: 2008
Title: The Art and Science of Multi-Disciplinary Collaboration
Organization: UC's Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning
Location: UC
Year: 2008
Title: Using Communities of Practice to Build Absorptive Capacity
Organization: Strategic Management Society
Location: San Diego, CA
Year: 2007
Title: Interdisciplinary Learning in Collaboration with Industry
Location: Alexandria, VA
Year: 2005
Title: New Challenges to Business as Usual in Design Pedagogy
Location: Alexandria, VA
Year: 2005
Title: Whither the MBA? Or the withering of MBAs?
Organization: University of Cambridge
Location: Cambridge, UK
Year: 2005
Title: Planned serendipity in project management
Organization: Drug Information Association [accredited by the American Council on Pharmaceutical Education]
Location: New Orleans, LA
Year: 2003
Title: Paradigm, praxis and paradox in the analysis of organization change: The generative nature of control
Organization: University of Manchester
Location: Manchester, UK
Year: 2001
Title: A longitudinal examination of project performance and threshold effects in decisions to terminate new product development
Organization: Academy of Management
Location: Toronto, Canada
Year: 2000
Title: Project management styles: Managing the tensions of product development
Organization: National Academy of Management
Location: Toronto, Canada
Year: 2000
Title: Capitalizing on a clash of cultures: MBA education and the democratic classroom
Organization: State University of West Georgia
Year: 2000
Title: Making heretics, deviants and radicals of us all: The critical imperative in the management of education and the education of managers
Organization: University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Year: 1999
Title: Critical pedagogy in the 'new paradigm': Raising complicated understanding in management learning
Organization: University of Manchester
Location: Manchester, UK
Year: 1999
Title: Critical reflections on team teaching: Journey to Oz? Or march of the lemmings?
Organization: Case Western Reserve University
Location: Cleveland, OH
Year: 1997
Title: A new BBA degree: Large-scale organizational change in action
Location: St. Louis
Year: 1995
Title: Inspiriting Organizations: Rethinking the Emotional Arena of Work
Location: Chicago, IL
Year: 1994
Title: Red flags at dawn: Predicting R&D project termination at start up
Organization: Lehigh University
Year: 1992
Title: The influence of problem equivocality and compositional heterogeneity on information processing in collateral structures
Organization: Academy of Management
Location: Miami, FL
Year: 1991
Title: A strategic view of project initiation
Organization: Academy of Management
Location: San Francisco, CA
Year: 1990
Title: Predicting R&D project termination: Strategic and managerial antecedents
Location: Lehigh University
Year: 1990
Title: Dependence, uncertainty, and the control of subunit performance
Organization: Academy of Management
Location: New Orleans, LA
Year: 1987
Title: political context and consequences of administrative succession
Organization: Academy of Management
Location: Chicago, IL
Year: 1986
Title: Testing a process model of R&D management
Organization: Academy of Management
Location: Chicago, IL
Year: 1986
Title: The impact of market attributes and environmental trends upon firm R&D strategy and R&D project characteristics
Organization: American Institute for Decision Sciences
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Year: 1985
Title: Site identification and development for a longitudinal investigation of industrial innovation
Organization: Lehigh University
Year: 1985
Title: Goal agreement in professional organizations
Organization: Academy of Management
Location: Boston, MA
Year: 1984
Title: Organizational demographics: A study of the structural antecedents of political activity and administrative succession
Organization: Academy of Management
Location: Boston, MA
Year: 1984
Title: Toward a unified concept of control
Organization: American Institute for Decision Sciences
Location: Toronto, Canada
Year: 1984
Title: Political activity in organizations: Selecting university deans
Organization: Academy of Management
Location: Dallas, TX
Year: 1983
Title: A causal model of role stress and employee turnover
Organization: Academy of Management
Location: San Diego, CA
Year: 1982
Title: Perceived task characteristics and employee performance: A literature review
Organization: American Institute for Decision Sciences
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Year: 1980