Amanda Christensen-Salem

Headshot of Amanda Christensen-Salem, PhD

Amanda Christensen-Salem, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Management

3358 Carl H. Lindner Hall


Amanda Christensen‑Salem is an Assistant Professor of Management at the Carl H. Lindner College of Business at the University of Cincinnati. She received her PhD in Management from Arizona State University. Dr. Christensen's core research examines topics that span organizational behavior and strategy research boundaries, including leadership at the managerial and CEO levels, family firms, organizational climate, and firm performance. Her work has been published in several top peer-reviewed journals, including Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes and The Leadership Quarterlymer.

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Teaching Interest
Management/Organizational Behavior, Human Resources, Research Methods

Research Interest
Leadership, family firms, organizational climate and culture, firm performance, feedback, creativity

Institution: Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)
Title: National Research Council (NRC) Research Associateship
End Date: 2018-08-31

Awards | Honors
Name: Dean's List of Teaching Excellence
Year Received: 2018

Name: Dean's List of Teaching Excellence
Year Received: 2017

Name: Dean's List of Teaching Excellence
Year Received: 2017

Name: Dean's List of Teaching Excellence
Year Received: 2016

Organization: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Organizational Behavior Division
Name: Best Reviewer
Year Received: 2015

Name: Darwin T. Turner Scholars Program Faculty Recognition
Year Received: 2015

Name: Dean's List of Teaching Excellence
Year Received: 2015

Organization: AOM Entrepreneurship Division
Name: Best Family Business Paper Award
Year Received: 2014

Institution: Arizona State University
Location: Tempe, AZ
Completed: 2014
Degree: Ph D

Institution: Brigham Young University
Location: Provo, UT
Completed: 2009
Degree: MBA

Published Contributions
Christensen-Salem, A., Walumbwa, F. O., Babalola, M., Guo, L., & Misati, E., (2020). A multilevel analysis of the relationship between ethical leadership and ostracism: The roles of relational climate, employee mindfulness, and work unit structure. Journal of Business Ethics

Journal of Business Ethicsred Walumbwa, I-Chieng Hsu, Cindy Wu, Everlyne Misati, Amanda Christensen-Salem,  (2019). Employee service performance and collective turnover: Examining the influence of initiating structure leadership, service climate, and meaningfulness. Human Relations.

M Arrfelt, M Mannor, J Nahrgang, Amanda Christensen-Salem,  (2018). All risk-taking is not the same: Examining the competing effects of risk-taking on firm risk and firm performance with meta-analysis. Review of Managerial Science, 621-660.

Amanda Christensen-Salem, Angelo Kinicki, Zhen Zhang, Fred  Walumbwa,  (2018). Responses to feedback: The role of acceptance, affect, and creative behavior. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 416-429.

Fred Walumbwa, Amanda Christensen-Salem, I-Chieng Hsu, Everlyne Misati,  (2018). Understanding the creative self-efficacy–creative performance relationship: The roles of thriving at work, perceived work significance, and task interdependence. Proceedings of the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.

Sungdoo Kim, Amanda Christensen-Salem,  (2017). The dark and bright sides of personal use of technology at work: A job demands-resources model. Human Resource Development Review, 425-447.

Amanda Christensen-Salem, Luiz Mesquita, Marcos Hashimoto, Peter Hom, Luis Gomez-Mejia,  (2014). Socio-emotional wealth and a stakeholder view of family firm productivity. Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.

Fred Walumbwa, Amanda Christensen-Salem,  (2013). The importance of social capital in the workplace and how individuals and organizations can support its development. The fulfilling workplace: The organization’s role in achieving individual and organizational health, 105-117.

Fred Walumbwa, Amanda Christensen-Salem, M. Muchiri,  (2013). Transformational leadership and meaningful work. Purpose and meaning in the workplace, 197-215.

Zhen Zhang, Mo Wang, Amanda Christensen-Salem, John Fleenor,  (2012). Differentiated transformational leadership and leader performance: Examining curvilinear effects. Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.

Fred Walumbwa, Elizabeth Morrison, Amanda Christensen-Salem,  (2012). Ethical leadership and group in-role performance: The mediating roles of group conscientiousness and group voice. The Leadership Quarterly, 953-964.

Fred Walumbwa, Amanda Christensen-Salem, F. Hailey,  (2011). Authentic leaders and the knowledge economy: Sustaining motivation and trust among knowledge workers. Organizational Dynamics, 110-118.

Fred Walumbwa, D. Mayer, P. Wang, H. Wang, K. Workman, Amanda Christensen-Salem,  (2011). Linking ethical leadership to employee performance: The roles of leader-member exchange, self-efficacy, and organizational identification. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 204-213.

Accepted Contributions
Amanda Christensen-Salem, (Accepted). Understanding the Creative Self‑Efficacy–Creative Performance Relationship: The Roles of Thriving at Work, Perceived Work Significance, and Task Interdependence. The International Journal of Human Resource Management.

Robert Patterson, D Lochtefeld, K Larson, Amanda Christensen-Salem,  (Accepted). Computational modeling of the effects of sleep deprivation on the vigilance decrement. Human Factors.

Research in progress
Title: 4. CEO performance management behaviors and firm outcomes
Status: Writing Results
Research Type: Scholarly

Title: Scandals & Strategy
Description: TOPIC An investigation of how scandals involving employees of a firm, completely unrelated to the actual terms of their employment, can still influence the organization and its strategy. This paper views the phenomenon 
through the lens of recent domestic violence of NFL players STATUS Project still being conceptualized, some data being collected
Status: Planning
Research Type: Scholarly

Title: CEO performance management:  Pathway to TMT job attitudes and firm performance
Organization: Academy of Management
Location: Chicago, IL
Year: 2018

Title: Motivating nurses to perform and stay:  Improving lives through initiating structure leadership
Organization: Academy of Management
Location: Chicago, IL
Year: 2018

Title: Understanding the creative self-efficacy–creative performance relationship:  The roles of thriving at work, perceived work significance, and task interdependence
Organization: Academy of Management
Location: Chicago, IL
Year: 2018

Title: Being ignored or pushed out? A relational perspective to understanding workplace ostracism
Location: Atlanta, GA
Year: 2017

Title: Toward dual-concern human resource management (HRM) systems in Brazil:  Investigating how HRM practices affect collective turnover
Location: Atlanta, GA
Year: 2017

Title: Transformational environment and entrepreneurial orientation in family firms
Organization: Strategic Management Society (SMS)
Location: Berlin, Germany
Year: 2016

Title: The dark and bright sides of personal use of technology at work:  A job demands–resources model
Location: Anaheim, CA
Year: 2016

Title: The genesis of transformational environment and entrepreneurial orientation in family firms
Location: Anaheim, CA
Year: 2016

Title: Identifying different human resource management systems and assessing how caring climate mediates their dynamic impact on collective turnover.
Organization: Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)
Location: Anaheim, CA
Year: 2016

Title: A meta-analytic summary of the leadership organizing process. Part of the symposium:  Understanding the sources and functions of leadership in teams.
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Year: 2015

Title: A multi-level look at the role of flourishing climate in the relationship between CEO performance management leadership and firm performance.
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Year: 2015

Title: The role of affect and creative behavior in the feedback–performance relationship.
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Year: 2015

Title: Broadening the mechanisms of leadership emergence:  A meta-analytic summary
Organization: Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)
Location: Honolulu, HI
Year: 2014

Title: Evidence of risk-bearing affecting shareholder and director influences on diversification
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Year: 2014

Title: Socio-emotional wealth and a stakeholder view of family firm productivity
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Year: 2014