Department of Management

Why Management?

The department of management strives to expand managerial knowledge and capabilities vital for today's complex and dynamic world. By integrating high-impact research and experience-based education, faculty add value to practice and theory.

Experience-based education is also vital to management — where the only sustainable advantage is the ability to learn. Hands-on learning occurs in field cases examining non-profit firms and new ventures, in studies abroad exploring cultural differences, and in experiential exercises accentuating intricacies of human and group behavior.

Contact Us

Department of Management
Carl H. Lindner Hall
2906 Woodside Drive
PO Box 210165
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0165
Phone: 513-556-7120
Fax: 513-556-5499

Joanna Campbell
Department Head, Professor
Phone: 513-556-5791

Danielle Gingrich
Manager, Unit Operations
Phone: 513-556-7120