Business Law and Ethics


Why study Business Law and Ethics?

The Business Law & Ethics Certificate Program at the Carl H. Lindner College of Business delivers unique experiences through the intersection of law, business, and ethics. Courses combine exposure to both business and legal issues in which students learn about legal theories, explore ethical scenarios, and gain familiarity with regulatory issues affecting business policies, procedures and decisions. Students are introduced to laws covering intellectual property, consumer protection and reading and drafting contracts as well.

Admission Requirements

Current Lindner students may add this certificate to enhance their majors. Non-Lindner students already pursuing a baccalaureate degree in any college at the University of Cincinnati can add the certificate to their program as long as they meet the following requirements:

  • Have 30 earned semester credit hours

  • Have at least a 3.0 University GPA and be enrolled in a four-year degree granting program

  • Complete at least 50 percent of all certificate coursework in the Lindner College of Business

  • Earn a 2.0 in certificate courses to be certified with the certificate.

    To apply for the certificate, students should visit the Lindner Program Options site.

    Students will be notified by email of their acceptance into the program and the process for registration in the Lindner classes required for the minor.

Students interested in this program may have already taken the business law course (BLAW 2080) and wish to pursue the area further. Successful practitioners in this area possess critical thinking skills and the ability to analyze information. Students may seek to learn more effective negotiation skills.

The Business Law & Ethics Certificate Program is ideal for aspiring corporate leaders, attorneys, entrepreneurs, and human resources and compliance professionals.  Students will acquire critical reasoning skills needed to excel in industries ranging from corporations to government agencies to new business ventures. Experiences will help students to develop into principled decision makers, strong critical thinkers and effective leaders in the global workplace.

Electives can be tailored to complement your primary major.  For example:

  • Marketing Majors: The Business Law & Ethics Certificate Program is an excellent counter balance for Marketing Majors offering students an opportunity to sharpen their analytical skills and gain exposure to relevant topic areas such as Intellectual Property and Consumer Protection Laws (media law, deceptive advertising, etc.).
  • Accounting Majors: The Business Law & Ethics Certificate Program is a strong complement for Accounting Majors offering students an opportunity to gain familiarity with regulatory issues in the field and lay the foundation for preparation for the CPA Exam.
The information provided is sourced from a third party, Lightcast. Their product, called Career Coach, combines extensive labor market data from Lightcast and the U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics. It provides insights on industry, occupation, compensation, and projected growth for each profession. Economic and workforce information is available for various geographic regions. Some careers may require additional training or education.

Students may contact a business law professor to learn more about this certificate program. E-mail Professor Westrich to set up an appointment:

Success in today’s business environment is primarily driven by who students are and how they act. Accordingly, business education at Lindner focuses on the development of each student’s individual Professional, Academic, Character and Engagement (PACE) to ensure they can successfully pursue the personal and professional goals they are passionate about.


  • Classes in Lindner ensure that our students learn the professional communication skills they need to excel in today’s business environment.

  • Lindner’s Career Services team works with undergraduate students in developing resumes, learning interviewing techniques and obtaining the practical skills that fulfill the expectations of businesses.


  • Lindner students are distinct individuals with unique goals and interests, and that is why our curriculum ensures that students have a foundational understanding of the key business functions. The breadth of minors allows students to add a minor that will customize their education for added value.


  • Character means having the strength and conviction to both lead and work with teams made up of diverse social, cultural and economic viewpoints. Lindner business courses help students build these skills through hands-on, collaborative projects, often working with Cincinnati businesses.


  • Students’ lives and careers will be comprised of much more than just work. Community service, citizenship and organizational involvement are all key components of personal growth. In Lindner, students are encouraged to get involved in the things they care about via the 20-plus student organizations within the Lindner College of Business, the 300-plus organizations within the University of Cincinnati and ongoing partnerships with service organizations like the United Way of Greater Cincinnati.

The Business Law & Ethics Certificate is granted to those students who complete satisfactorily the required course work and earn a 2.0 in the certificate courses.

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Application Deadlines

Applications deadlines for the business certificates follow the “application for change in college” dates.

Fall Semester– July 1             

Spring Semester – November 1                     

Summer Semester – March 1

The University of Cincinnati and all regional campuses are accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

The UC Lindner College of Business has been accredited continuously since 1919 by AACSB International, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, the premier accrediting agency for business colleges.

Contact Information

Whitney Westrich
315 Carl H. Lindner Hall 2925 Campus Green Drive
P.O. Box 210211
Cincinnati, 45221-0211
(513) 556-9026

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Program Code: 22CRT-BLAW-C2