Meet Lindner Career Services
Students benefit from one-on-one advising and coaching just as much as employers benefit from a direct line to top talent. Connect with any of our team members below.
Nick Fahnders, MA
Director of Employer Relations, Lindner Career Services
Michael Nuttle
Director of Co-op and Career Data, Lindner Career Services
Weston Atchison, MSOL
Associate Director, Lindner Career Services
Weston advises undergraduate Economics, Insurance & Risk Management and MBA students.
Susan Bailey, MA
Assistant Director, Lindner Career Services
Susan advises undergraduate Finance students last names A-K and MS Finance students.
Helen Koons, MBA
Assistant Director, Lindner Career Services
Helen advises undergraduate Industrial Management, undergraduate Operations Management, and MS HR students.
Gabrielle Kroger
Assistant Director, Lindner Career Services
Gabrielle advises undergraduate Information Systems and MS Information Systems students.
Sharon Love, PhD
Assistant Director, Lindner Career Services
Sharon advises undergraduate Finance students last names L-Z and Real Estate students.
Joyce Mueller
Assistant Director, Lindner Career Services
Joyce advises undergraduate Business Analytics and MS Business Analytics students.
Andy Wellendorf, MBA
Assistant Director, Lindner Career Services
Andy advises undergraduate Accounting and MS Tax students.
Career Coaches
Career Coaches meet with all first-year Lindner students and all non-first-year Lindner students who have not had a coaching appointment before.
Alexis Parker
Career Coach, Lindner Career Services
Alexis advises undergraduate Marketing students last names A-K.
Career Coach vs. Career Advisor
Career Coaches assist with the foundational elements of your career success. This includes developing the professional tools and skills that you need for a job or co-op search.
- Handshake utilization
- Job applications
- General interview preparation
- Resume development
- Online profiles
- Baseline job search strategies
Career Advisors — listed as associate or assistant directors above — help with more complex circumstances and issues. This includes industry specifics to help support the big picture of your career development and handle unique cases as it relates to your job search.
- Industry-specific advice
- Networking
- Industry-specific interview preparation
- Understanding how abilities, values and interests align with vocation goals
MBA & International Business
- MBA students should meet with the career advisor that most closely aligns with their professional interests:
- Business Analytics: Joyce Mueller
- Economics, Insurance & Risk Management: Weston Atchison
- Finance: Susan Bailey
- Information Systems: Gabrielle Kroger
- Marketing: Bella Gullia
- Operations Management: Helen Koons
- International Business students should meet with the career advisor for the functional area they are most interested in pursuing professionally.
Contact Lindner Career Services
Phone: 513-556-5147
Carl H. Lindner Hall
2906 Woodside Drive Suite 1420
PO Box 210211
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0211
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